
Fan Faves

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Spiced Kidney Beans

For this recipe, I use my Presto Pressure Canner but you can cook them in a regular pot, just check them frequently for doneness and add more water when needed.


2lb Kidney Beans (soaked - see below for soaking instructions)
Enough Water to cover the saoked and rinsed Beans
1/8-1/4C. Braggs Liquid Amino (though I am against doing so, you may use tamari or soy sauce if you must)
2rounded Tblsp. Garam Masala Spice (buy at your local asian or indian market)
2Tblsp. Salt
1Tblsp. Red Chili Powder
2whole Green Cardamoms (pick some up while you are getting your Garam Masala)
1whole Black Cardamom
1large Bay Leaf

  1. Place all ingredients into the Pressure Canner or pot.
  2. Seal if using Pessure Canner
  3. Turn burner on to high temp.
  4. Turn burner down (off if electric) when pressure reaches 15 pounds*
  5. Maintain 15 pounds of pressure for 1-3 minutes* (see why I say you can turn the burner completely off? It takes 1-3 min. for it to start going down if you had the burner on high heat.)
  6. Allow pressure to drop naturally and remove lid only when pressure reaches zero(0) and all indicators are down.*
  7. *The PURPLE steps do not apply if you are using a non-pressurised, traditional pot. - "just check (the beans) frequently for doneness and add more water when needed."
These are so yummy and are a perfect side dish to pretty much EVERYTHING. Serves *as a side* a family of 5 with BF Mom for 1 week.

1 comment:

  1. 0k, so here is the 1 Lb variation:

    You use half as many beans, half as much water, one "side" of onion (cut off just enough of a med. onion to not get any root or top) and 2 teaspoons of Black Sea Salt. Pressure cook it all. After all pressure is gone (allow it to go down naturally), heat some Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, mince the rest of the onion and 3 teeth of garlic and saute with a couple of pinches of Black Sea Salt. Add the cooked beans and the rest of the spices. Bring it all to a good boil, reduce heat and allow to simmer for 15 minutes.
